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Ethos and Values

“Only my best is good enough for me”

At MJS we are PROUD of our school.  We are:

P urposeful
R esilient
O rganised
U nderstanding
D edicated


At Melbourne Junior School we aim to:

- Provide a happy, safe and secure environment for all to enjoy.
- Develop enthusiastic learners who are enriched, motivated and challenged through a stimulating curriculum.
- Value each child as an individual, with a unique range of talents, interests, learning styles and needs.
- Be a friendly welcoming school where everyone is valued and appreciated.
- Strengthen the partnerships between pupils, parents, staff governors and the community to have pride in ourselves and our school.
- Develop lifelong learners who are equipped with skills for use in an ever changing world.
- Enable each learner to reach their full potential and celebrate their success.
- Develop thoughtful and caring people who are able to form their own responsible values and to make informed choices.
- Respect and value our school and local community, the diversity and richness of other cultures and the natural world around us.
- Be a staff who continue to reflect, learn and develop professionally.
