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Our Maths Intent


At Melbourne Junior School, we believe that the language of mathematics is international. The basic skills of mathematics are vital for the life opportunities of our children. Our aim is for all children to feel confident when thinking mathematically: enabling them to reason, solve problems and assess risk in a range of contexts.


Our Mathematics Mastery curriculum has been developed to ensure every child can achieve and aspire in mathematics. Children can experience a sense of awe and wonder as they solve a problem for the first time, discover different solutions and make links between different areas of mathematics. It provides pupils with a deep understanding of the subject through a concrete, pictorial, and abstract approach. This ensures pupils fully understand what they are learning.




  • To implement the current legal requirements of the National Curriculum (NC).
  • To foster positive attitudes, fascination and excitement of discovery through the teaching and learning of mathematical concepts.
  • To ensure pupils become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, developing conceptual knowledge and an ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
  • To ensure that pupils can reason mathematically and solve problems.
  • For our children to develop a ‘can do’ attitude and perceive themselves as mathematicians.
  • To broaden children’s knowledge and understanding of how mathematics is used in the wider world.
  • For our children to use and understand mathematical language and recognise its importance as a language for communication and thinking.

Long Term Plans
