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Year 4

Wider Opportunities - Brass instrument lessons

Poplar Class and some of Redwood Year 4 children have taken part in lessons over the last term and a half.  We have sung tunes to learn them, read sheet music and played either a trumpet or a trombone.  Look out for some excerts of our playing in the "Video area".  Go to the Sign Post, look for the "Children" sign and find them all there...Enjoy!!! 

Please note, that from January 2024, we will be sharing our learning, news and information with parents via Class Dojo.

Autumn Term Newsletter

Dear Parents/carers,

Welcome to the new school year at Melbourne Junior School as your child moves into Year 4. We would like to let you know a little more about the Year 4 team and what we will be doing over the forthcoming term.


The Year 4 Team

We have a team of dedicated adults working with the children to support their learning.  In addition to our class teachers:

  • Poplar  - Mrs McGibbon, Mrs Pegg
  • Cedar - Mrs Cavanagh
  • Our teaching assistants are Mrs Jackson, Mrs Farmer and Mrs Parkinson, who will also be working with and supporting groups of children.

PPA (Planning, Preparation & Assessment)

On Tuesday mornings, Mrs Cavanagh will be out of the classroom on PPA time,  Mrs McGibbon and Mrs Pegg will be out of class on Wednesday mornings on PPA time. Mrs Worthington will be teaching the Year 4 classes during these mornings.


 Our Curriculum this term:

  • Maths – Number & Place value, Four Operations of Number and Area
  • English – Picture books and poetry
  • Science – States of Matter and Animals including humans
  • History - How did the Anglo-Saxons and Scots Change Britian?
  • Geography – Why are mountains special?
  • Computing – Inside a computer, effective searching and animation
  • PE – Gymnastics (indoor) and Net, Wall and Court Games (outdoor)
  • French – Phonics and Presenting Myself
  • RE – What does it mean to be a Hindu in Britain today?
  • PSHE – Well-Being, Anti-Bullying and Relationships
  • Music – Music Partnership – Learning a brass instrument (Wider Opportunities), Take the ‘A’ Train by Billy Strayhorn and singing
  • Art – Drawing


Meet the teacher

On Tuesday 19 September and Thursday 21 September there is the opportunity to pop into your child’s classroom after school to meet their teacher.

Please see the school newsletter for other important dates.



  1. Daily reading (noted in homework diaries) at least 4 times a week, signed by parents/carers.
  2. Learning times tables (TT Rockstars).
  3. Learning spellings in preparation for tests each Friday (Spelling Shed).
  4. Work will be set on Fridays alternating between a Maths activity and an English activity using the Dactyl Homework Scheme.



All children will be able to log-on to Spelling Shed in order to work on their weekly spellings.

Spelling activities also take place in the classroom each week.

Spellings are tested and new wordlists will be given out each Friday; however, this won’t start for a few weeks.



It is an expectation that children will read a minimum of four times a week, preferably aloud to an adult. This recognises the importance of practising this vital life skill.  Many reading skills, such as expression and intonation, can only be developed when reading aloud.  Please record and sign all reading in homework diaries. Children who meet the minimum target by the Friday diary check (Cedar )/Monday diary check (Poplar), will receive a Reading Reward.



Our P.E. days this term are:

Cedar - Monday (indoor) and Tuesday (outdoor)

Poplar – Wednesday (indoor) and Friday (outdoor)

Children should continue to come to school in P.E. kit on their P.E. days. Please note that school jumpers/cardigans should be worn rather than other jumpers/hoodies.

A note would be appreciated if your child is to be excused from his/her P.E. lesson. For health and safety reasons, earrings should not be worn on P.E. days and long hair tied back.


Information going forward  

Weekly newsletters, sent via email, will keep you informed of whole school information.

Information and news specific to Year 4 can be found on the Year 4 page of the school website.


Getting in touch

There are a number of ways you can contact us. We encourage the use of the homework diary for simple messages or queries and to contact the office in person or via the school email:

We are also available to be contacted via email using the following email addresses:


We will endeavour to respond to emails as soon as it is practicable to do so and between the hours of 8.30am and 4.30pm.

In addition, we are usually available after school.  Alternatively, an appointment can be made for a mutually convenient time.


Thank you.


The Year 4 Team


Mrs Cavanagh, Mrs McGibbon, Mrs Pegg,

Mrs Jackson, Mrs Farmer, Mrs Parkinson
