Welcome to the page for the Melbourne Junior School Governing Board.
Our Board Diversity
Our Governing Board is representative of both our school families and our wider community. It is represented by governors of a wide range of ages, gender, race ,religion and physical ability. As such, we are confident we reflect our families and our community. We also consider diversity to mean the diverse skills and knowledge that our board possess as well as the diversity of their protected characteristics. We are fortunate to have a board which consists of a variety of knowledge, skills and experiences including backgrounds in Education, Business and Finance, HR, Health and Safety and Health care. Together they make sound, knowledge based decisions for the efficient running of the school and children’s education.
Name of Governor | Category | Area of Responsibility | Start of term of Office | End of term of Office | Business Interests |
Jane Whirledge | Headteacher | N/A | N/A |
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Danielle Martin | Staff Governor | 01.01.2021 | 31.12.2024 |
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David Mather | Chair | Attendance English SEN | 12.01.2023 | 11.01.2027 |
Jackie Edwards | Vice-Chair | Anti-Bullying Looked after Children Safeguarding Well-being | 18.11.2020 | 17.11.2024 |
* Vacancy * | LA Governor | ||||
Mark Cooper | Co-opted Governor | Maths PSHE & Citizenship R.E. | 20.11.2023 | 19.11.2027 |
Deborah Nolan | Co-opted Governor | 30.06.2024 | 01.07.2028 |
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Russell Grant | Parent Governor | Design & Technology Music | 15.02.2018 | 14.02.2022 |
Jonathan Hill | Parent Governor | Computing GDPR Science | 16.09.2022 | 15.09.2026 |
Debbie Hindley | Parent Governor | Educational Visits History | 08.09.2023 | 07.09.2027 |
Rob Peat | Co-opted Governor | Assessment P.E. & Sports Premium | 25.01.2016 | 24.01.2028 |
Vikki Roberts | Parent Governor | Health & Safety Modern Foreign Languages | 14.11.2022 | 13.11.2026 |
Luke Sheriff | Parent Governor | Geography | 27.01.2023 | 26.01.2027 |
Helen Smith | Co-opted Governor | School website | 28.11.2022 | 27.11.2026 |
Clerk to Governors | Mrs K. Ryley |