Intent – What do we want for our pupils?
At Melbourne Junior School, we aim for all children to have a high-quality physical education, which develops children’s physical literacy, emotional and thinking skills to help them achieve in school, sport and life.
The school PE curriculum includes a wide variety of physical activities: team games, individual games, gymnastics, dance, athletics, outdoor adventurous activities and swimming. Through these, we aim to increase pupils’ physical literacy by developing their enjoyment of physical activity and recognition of their success, as they develop their physical skills alongside the skills of communication, collaboration and competition.
Implementation – What does this look like?
To implement our vision, children at Melbourne Junior School are provided with rich modern, high-quality teaching and learning opportunities for all areas of the PE National Curriculum.
Our PE curriculum follows a scheme of work from Get Set 4 PE, which is closely aligned to the National Curriculum. This scheme supports a clear and sequenced progression of skills and knowledge, both within each year group and from one year to the next. Skills, knowledge and vocabulary are revisited within lessons and built upon to ensure that pupils make, or exceed expected progress. Assessments are based on teacher assessments and are recorded on the Get Set 4 PE assessment sheets. Evidence of progress is shown via the tracking system and through pupil voice.
All pupils take part in at least two hours of physical activity per week in addition to Daily Physical Activity (DPA).
Impact – What are the outcomes for learners?
Our Physical Education curriculum is planned to demonstrate progression, through a range of activities, with the aim of creating a positive learning environment for children to develop their emotional, physical and mental engagement in physical activity and sport.
The children are provided with opportunities to participate in competitions through School Games and coaching within and outside school hours.
Sports Day
Thank you to parents and grandparents who supported our Sports morning earlier today. Thankfully, the weather held. We congratulate all our boys and girls on participating so enthusiastically. Derwent were the final winners with the results below:
Derwent: 1016
Kinder: 995
Strutt: 979
Haddon: 925