Home Page


Our Special Needs Coordinator is Danielle Martin.

Welcome to Melbourne Junior School SEND page; at our school, we are committed to equality of opportunity and the provision of the highest standard of education for all our pupils, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).  Our SEN Information Report (found below) will give you information about how we identify SEND, and support children in our school who may have SEND. 


In addition to supporting children with a range of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, we also take the mental health and emotional well-being of all our pupils very seriously. Alongside our team of class teachers and teaching assistants, we have a trained ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant), Sarah Farmer. Pupils can be referred to her if we feel that they need additional support.


If you would like to contact anyone to discuss SEND, or the emotional-well being of a child, please contact your child's class teacher, or the SENCO (Ms D. Martin).


You will find a link below the Derbyshire's local offer, where you can find information on a range of support and services related to special educational needs.  You will also find a link to the Derbyshire Information Advice and Support Service for SEND (DIASS).  DIASS are an organisation who provide independent advice and support to parents and carers of young people with SEND.

Sarah Farmer is our in school ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant).

You can also see the Derbyshire Local Offer website, which holds information about available services for children with special needs, by clicking this link here.

Melbourne Junior School SEND Information Report

Accessibility Plan 2023 - 2026

Training to support children with SEND


Both teaching and non teaching staff undertake a range of training events each year.

Recent training in 2023 -2024 includes:


Regulation for learning training for all teaching staff.

Autism Education Trust training for SENDCo and all staff

Phonics training for teachers and TAs

Emotional Literacy Support training for our ELSA staff

Sensory processing training for all staff and all TAs

Well being training for Well being lead teacher and all staff

Local SENDCo cluster meetings

Derbyshire SEND briefings

Emotional School Avoidance training - EP service


Recent training in 2022 includes:

Attachment aware and trauma informed practice training for all staff

Precision Teaching - intervention training for our TA staff

Phonics training for all staff

Emotional Literacy Support training for our ELSA staff

Well being training for Well being lead teacher and all staff
