Summer Term Topics
History - Ruthless Romans!
Science - Light and Shadows/Teeth and Keeping Healthy
ICT – Control (Scratch) and Basic Skills
French – En famille
Art – Antoni Gaudi (Mosaics)/Printing/Pottery
DT - Food and Structures
RE – Living Faiths - Judaism
Music – Music and Sound (ICT)
PE – Hockey/Rounders/Cricket/Athletics
PE Days *NEW
Tuesday - Outdoor PE (track suit and trainers) Athletics
Friday - Outdoor PE (track suit and trainers) Hockey/Rounders/Cricket
Homework and Spellings
Homework is usually set on a Thursday and due in on a Wednesday.
Homework should be completed in the homework book.
Spellings are set and collected in on a Friday. Children should circle any incorrect words from the test and write their score so parents can see when the sheet is returned home.
We recommend that children transport their work to and from school in a plastic folder to protect it from damage!
Good Luck with your Easter Challenges - learning to tell the time
- Ruthless Roman project
- adverbial phrases
Have a lovely holiday
Well done Year 3 - your Easter Roman projects were fantastic.
I'm sure parents can't wait to see them as part of our Roman Museum Exhibition on Friday 27th May at 2.30pm. |