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Y4 Willow




Mrs Bateman is back with us on a Thursday morning. We also have Miss Peters, a student teacher, who will be working in Willow Class this term. I know that you'll make her feel very welcome.


Trip reminder - On the 12th  and 13th of July, we are going to Eyam, a village in The Peak District, to conduct a village study. Half of Willow will be going on the Tuesday, half on the Wednesday. Mrs Missin will be going both days.


Reading Rewards - Well done Willow! We are top of the MJS Reading League. 96% of children met their Reading Reward Target in the Spring Term. I'm really proud of you :).


Run to Rio - We reached Rio and enjoyed a Skype conversation with the British Commissioner there. Now we're running back to Melbourne. Keep up the good work!

Curriculum Information - Term 6


English - Persuasive writing and poetry

Maths - Geometry - symmetry, co-ordinates, position and direction, Statistics - graphs and charts

Geography - Treasures of the Peak - a study of The Peak District

Science - Electricity and Living things and their habitats

DT - Simple Circuits

Art - Textiles

Computing - Coding (using variables & co-ordinates) - Our Viking Quest game continues...

RE - Exploring Worship

Music - Lean on Me

French - Le Monde

PE - Tuesdays - Rounders (outdoors)

      Thursdays - Athletics Awards (outdoors)

We enjoyed a super Viking Day today run by Partake. We experienced many aspects of Viking life and handled artefacts. Some of the activities included: Viking warfare,  Viking settlement, grinding flour, making pots and jewellery, spinning wool and designing a shield.


In the afternoon we took part in a dramatic re-enactment of a Viking raid! Take a look at the video clip and photos below.


A BIG THANK YOU to the PTA who funded this event!


Still image for this video

World Book Day

Invaders! Launch Day


We had a special day to introduce our new history topic. We completed a number of workshops to introduce us to elements of Anglo-Saxon and Viking life. We tried our hand at different types of weaving, reproducing some art from the period and learnt how to play the Viking strategy game tafl.


The day ended with the legend of Beowulf - a brave hero of the time. 
