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School Dinners

School Dinners
Lunches are cooked in a well equipped kitchen on the school premises. The meals are of a high standard and are popular with children and staff. The Kitchen has  achieved the Platinum standard from Derbyshire County Council. The choice includes a meat dish, a vegetarian meal or sandwiches. We do ask that children take meals (or sandwiches,) on a full-time basis, and that advance notice is given for any change in this routine.


The cost of school lunch is presently £3.25 per day per child. All lunch money is paid through your Parentpay account.

Parents who feel that they may be eligible for free meals are actively encouraged to contact the Office for information or application forms.  All enquiries are dealt with in the strictest confidence.  Special diets on medical/religious grounds are also available, so do not hesitate to request these if you require one.



We request that parents provide healthy lunch boxes for children and do not send sweets or chocolate bars.  Please ensure that lunch boxes are also clearly labelled with your child's name and discuss with your child the importance of bringing it home after each school day.

Children are encouraged to bring water into school on a daily basis in a sports-type bottle, labelled with the child’s name. 

If children require a snack mid morning, a piece of fruit should be brought to school. Cereal bars which are NUT FREE are also permitted.

If children wish to celebrate a birthday or other event with their class mates, we request that sweets/cakes are not brought into school. We would request that an alternative; for example fruit or stickers, is sent in.

Owing to children who have very serious allergies, we request that nuts are not brought into school at all.

School Menu October 2024 - March 2025
