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British Values

Promoting British Values at Melbourne Junior School


The Department for Education stresses the need to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of:

- Democracy

- Rule of Law

- Individual Liberty

- Mutual Respect

- Tolerance of those different faiths & beliefs


At Melbourne Junior School, we actively promote British Values within our broad curriculum and also through our assemblies and collective worship. The school has strong links with the local churches and has a programme of visitors from a range of Faith Communities. 

The school promotes a strong team work ethic and the whole school is described as Team MJS.

All members celebrate the success of individuals, both in and out of school and of the school.

We also support each other in times of need.



Pupil voice activities are held regularly to hear the views of all children.


The Governing Body

Our Governing Body is comprised of elected representatives from the staff, local authority, parents and co-opted governors (community); they meet at least each half term.


Parent Voice

We actively invite parents and carers for their views throughout the year; this is done through individual letters, meetings, a suggestion box is located in the school entrance, the Headteacher is available on the playground at the start and end of the school day; online questionnaires are used at least annually and a summary of the findings are publicised via the newsletter.

Parents are kept in touch with school events via the Friday email.


Rule of Law

Before starting school, children, parents and the Headteacher commit to our Home School Agreement, this is reviewed annually by our Governing body. School Rules are reviewed with the children at the start of each academic year and children agree on class rules with their teacher.

Lunchtime Supervisors have had specific training and promote Playground Rules for positive playtimes and they work closely with class teachers.

Annual visits from the local fire service and our Police Community Support Officer reinforce the need for laws and how they protect the community.


Individual Liberty

As part of our team ethic, we also recognise the rights and responsibilities of the individual. This is achieved by whole school rules, class rules and through PSHCE and the curriculum. In year 6 children look at human rights via their Super Hero topic.


Mutual Respect

The school has very strong community links with many organisations such as the Arts festival, the carnival, the Civic Society, Melbourne Town Band and local churches.

Children learn about specific British celebrations, events and commemorations through history topics, assemblies and Collective Worship.


Tolerance of those of different Faiths & Beliefs

Our Collective Worship and PSHCE lessons reinforce messages of tolerance and respect for others. Key celebrations in different faiths are learned about, for example, Christmas, Easter, Islam and Judaism. Visits are planned to religious buildings outside Melbourne.


Protected Characteristics


The Equality Act became law in 2010. It covers everyone in Britain and protects people from discrimination, harassment and victimisation. Everyone in Britain is protected. This is because the Equality Act protects people against discrimination because of the protected characteristics that we all have.


Under the Equality Act, there are nine Protected Characteristics:



At Melbourne, we actively promote these in our curriculum and work to embed them into our ethos. Our Whole Class Reading books are carefully chosen to expose children to these characteristics at an age-appropriate level. 


