Welcome to Hazel Class
Hazel Class is taught by Mrs Green on a Monday, Tuesday and alternate Wednesdays, and is taught by Mrs Harnden on alternative Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
Mrs Stoker teaches the class every Wednesday morning (Teacher PPA time).
The class is supported by the following Teaching Assistants: Miss Fortin-Tobin, Mrs Turnbull and Mrs Parkinson.
Tuesday (indoor PE)
Thursday (outdoor PE)
We request that children read at least four times a week and that this is recorded in their Home School Dairy. Children who do read at least four times will be awarded with a reading reward!
Children have the opportunity to change their reading book every morning in school, should they need to.
Children have been provided with TT Rockstars login details. We would love the children to log on and practise their times tables regularly. Keep rockin' kids!
Children have weekly spellings sent home to practise, and they will be tested on these each Friday.
Children will be given two pages from their Dactyl homework book to complete weekly.
Staff from Hazel Class are always present at the beginning and end of the day if you wish to speak to them. Alternatively, please send an email to the class teachers on the following email addresses:
coconnor@melbourne-jun.derbyshire.sch.uk (Mrs Green)
jillharnden@melbourne-jun.derbyshire.sch.uk (Mrs Harnden)