Home Page


Homework will be set each Friday to be completed and marked for the following Friday (or the next Friday that school is open).

There will usually be a page of maths, a page of English, a multiplication table to practise and the current spelling list. Please try to read at least four times a week as well.

The children will be encouraged to write the relevant homework pages in their diary and in their homework books, and we will keep this page updated as more homework is set.

As a challenge, the children can time their multiplication tests - can they beat their previous time?


Year 4 Homework Overview

Set dateEnglishMaths





13.10.23  1 
20.10.23p4 nouns & p12 noun phrasesp14&15 written addition/subtraction21, 2 & 3
10.11.23p14 sentencesp39 area34
17.11.23p29 Apostrophes for possessionp22 Some important facts45
24.11.23Learn script and song lyrics forour Christmas production    56
30.11.23Learn script and song lyrics forour Christmas production 67
7.12.23Learn script and song lyrics forour Christmas production 78
15.12.23p13 clausesp19 & p27 word questions8



12.1.24No English this weekp20 times tables, p23 pairs of factors9



19.1.24p11 Adverbsp21 Mental multiplication and division109 & 10
25.1.24p17 Prepositionsp24 Written multiplication11TTRS

P 23 Punctuation

(P24 optional)

P 25 Written division12TTRS

p26 Solving problems with multiplication and division; 

p38 Perimeter

13TTRS Soundcheck

p27 Commas after fronted adverbials;

p28 Apostrophes to show where letters are missing

TTRockstars Soundcheck on at least 4 different days1411 & 12
8.3.24  15 
15.3.24p33 Doubling letters before adding a suffixp40 Money calculations and estimates1613


(test 28.3)


p36 Similar-sounding suffixes

p37 Prefixes

p29 Equivalent fractions

p30 Adding and subtracting fractions

18TTRS Battle Cedar v Poplar
19.4.24p38 Homophonesp5 Less than zero (revision)1914
26.4.24p15 Pronounsp33 Dividing by 10 and 10020TTRS Soundcheck
3.5.24p16 Possessive pronounsp10 Decimal numbers and fractions2115
10.5.24p32 Using paragraphsp18 Adding and subtracting to solve problems22TTRS Battle
17.5.24p30 Common mistakes with apostrophesTime Revision Booklet (and through half term)2316 and TTRS
24.5.24Reading ComprehensionTime Revision Booklet24TTRS Battle
7.6.24p21 Some more grammar questionsp41 The 12-hour and 24-hour clocks25As much multiplication practice as possible
14.6.24p34 More about adding suffixesp42 Solving problems26TTRS
21.6.24  27TTRS
28.6.24p39 Some more questions about spellingMaths sheet27TTRS

p44 2D shapes

p45 Comparing angles

28TTRS - keep practising!

12.7.24             No more homework!



Remember that learning spellings and multiplication tables is not optional. Use Spelling Shed and TTRockStars to practise.
